Wednesday, June 29, 2011


NO! kyas kids club is not a non profit organization, however quite a lot of people have asked if it was, saying that what we do makes it seem like it is. I would like to say it is, but because we charge it isn't, I'm sorry to say, its not free, however it is quite affordable, in fact very affordable. We offer so much to the kids, and most of the time keep the kids after hours when they cry to stay, we have had a lot of kids crying that they don't want to go home, its nice to know that they are really having fun, but i digress, i guess what i am trying to say here is that considering the type of activities we do, it is no doubt that kyas fees is very affordable. We even give discounts. The most important thing parents have to realize is that my partner Yanate and i love kids so much. We are Young girls who really could be doing other things with our time, but we have decided to spend our time working with kids and helping them in any way that we can. There is more value in doing this than anything else.

Kyas kids club is not a non governmental organization, but like all other NGOs pertaining to children, we care, and love kids just as much as they do, and we are willing to take into consideration parents who cannot afford the club, so please do email us or call us if you would like you kids/s to join but do not have the means to.

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